
How to create art. What is art? Parts of me, parts of all of us, all of me. I feel like there is art in all that I do. Does this sound arrogant? Ostentatious? Is it ok that it is? Yes/No. Depends on perspective and how we define truth.

Today I feel. Every day I feel. Today frustration is a frenemy, he often is and she can serve me or swerve me away from that which is a benefit to me.

What am I trying to say with these words I type. Sometimes I can be incredibly succinct with words and other types and times I opt for a poetic doorway to walk through which allows me more freedom to simply express and not worry about making myself understood.

So; to poetry…

Lingering truth tries to make itself understood to the self. Health is heart is happy. Flap traps progress and digress isn’t always the partner I wish to dance with. Spliff passed by, do I want to try again but refrain feels like the frame I ought to place myself in in order to placate the mate that is my mind.

Do I bind and not know it, find love and blow it, speed when ought to slow it down. Clown make up applied, tried not to be me but see was the saw I wanted to sit on instead of dead grave cry with gravity photographed inside inversion.


Author: soulofanartstudent

Past life hairdresser/Present day art doer

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